Same 303 stainless steel as the standard Legacy vise is built with, but now available in 5 amazing colors!
- Radical Red
- Sunset Orange
- Shamrock Green
- Royal Purple
- Liberty Blue
We replaced all the Brass hardware with high-quality 303 Stainless Steel. Stainless is a great medium to work with; it is stable, machines very well, and best of all, will never discolor or rust. Some people like the look of aged brass; they say it builds character into the vise. On the other hand, some people like their tools to remain clean and bright. Suppose you are in the latter group. Then, the Norvise Legacy is the vise for you.
Norvise offers five rotary fly tying jaws: The Standard Inline Jaws, Large Saltwater Jaws, the Fine Point Jaws, the Tube Fly System, and our newest addition, the Shank Jaws.
The Legacy Fly Tying Vise comes with our most popular and versatile configuration in 303 Stainless Steel: Standard Size Hub, Standard Inline Jaws, a matching Thread Post, mounting hardware, allen wrench, set-up, and operating instructions, and an hour-long instructional video by the inventor of the Norvise, Norm Norlander.